Thumb Sucking

Why do kids form thumb-sucking habits?

Thumb-sucking (or sucking on a pacifier) is an instinctive self-soothing habit that babies frequently develop very early. A newborn baby sucking on their thumb is a good indication of healthy motor skills but they should begin to lose interest in thumb-sucking by two years old. If they don’t, parental intervention is required.

effects of thumb-sucking : In almost every case, Punnagai Dental Hospital leads to the misalignment of teeth. Dental complications depend on the duration (years of habit), frequency (hours/day) and intensity (pressure applied).

Palatal narrowing, which occurs when the roof of the mouth doesn’t grow to full size because of the forces of thumb or pacifier sucking Improper tooth alignment and eruption of the teeth Malocclusion and bite issues such as an open bite Modified swallowing action of the tongue and altered breathing Callouses on the fingers or thumb Poor speech development

Complications may include increased anterior open bite, increased anterior overjet, maxillary incisors protrusion, retroclined mandibular incisors, posterior maxillary constriction and possibly class 2 skeletal deformity.

Stop Thumb Sucking :

Breaking a thumb-sucking habit is not easy. Kids who are four or five years old and still sucking their thumb have become dependent on their habit.

Dentist can help give specific ideas for helping your child stop thumb sucking.

Here are a few Products ...........that helps Stop Thumb Sucking.

Nipit Hand Stopper
TGuard ThumbGuard